Who we are
Fit Club is a children’s weight management programme for local children who are above a healthy weight, have been referred from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) or are in the 98th percentile or above.
You can read more about the National Child Measurement Programme here.
Our programme provides support for children and young people aged 4-19 (up to 25 years of age for young people with additional needs).
The programme’s name was developed in consultation with young people and stands for:
- Fun
- Inspire
- Transform
Our team was recognised as ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2018.
What we do
Our team offers tailored and one-to-one support, as well as providing personalised plans for children and young people who are above a healthy weight.
The aim of the six month programme is to support children and young people to reduce their Body Mass Index (BMI). All appointments/sessions will be carried out in local health centres, schools and at home if needed.
If you child is attending Fit Club our team will work closely with you and they will receive a health assessment which includes:
- measuring their BMI
- a short fitness test
- a review of their current lifestyle
As part of the programme your child will also receive:
- 12 weekly exercise sessions run by Wirral Council’s Leisure Services
- a portion control plate
Our team also works closely with schools and other health professionals to support children and young people to maintain or reduce their BMI.
About the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
In 2017/2018, the programme identified that 1 in 4 children in Wirral (25.1%) in Foundation 2 were overweight or obese, rising to over 1 in 3 children (35.7%) in Year 6. Research shows that if a child is overweight, they’re more likely to be overweight as an adult, which can lead to health problems in later life.
As part of the NCMP, your child will be weighed and measured at school in Foundation 2 and Year 6.
When your child reaches Foundation 2 (ages 4 and 5) or Year 6 (ages 10 and 11), a letter will be sent home before they are due to be measured in school (height and weight). You will need to consent to your child’s height and weight being measured. It’s important for your child’s height and weight to be measured as this will confirm if they are in the healthy weight range.
Information about how children’s data is collected and processed as part of the National Child Measurement Programme is available on the NHS Digital website.
How do I find out my child’s results?
You will automatically be sent your child’s results in the post. If your child is identified as very overweight they will be offered support from Fit Club.
If you don’t consent to your child’s height and weight being measured in school and you’re concerned they might be under or overweight you can speak to your GP, or your child’s school nurse who can offer advice and support.
Should I share the results with my child?
The results are sent direct to you. The decision about whether to talk to your child about their results is down to you. Some parents like to discuss the results with their child and then decide together whether to make any changes to the family’s diet or activity levels.
Others decide to make subtle changes without telling them.
There’s no right or wrong answer, and the decision depends on individual circumstances. Find out more about talking to your child about weight on the Weight Concern website.
Where can I get help?
If your child’s results surprise or worry you contact:
- Fit Club – 0151 643 5403
- your GP
- your child’s school nurse
Change4Life provides advice, tips and support to help families make small and meaningful lifestyle changes. You’ll also find information about local clubs, activities and fun events for the entire family to get involved in.
If your child’s overweight take a look at the advice for parents of overweight children – this gives you an overview of what help is available and may help you decide what steps to take next.
How to access the service
Your GP or your child’s school nurse, paediatrician or other healthcare professional can refer your child if their BMI is above the 98th centile. Referrals will also come from the NCMP or you can contact the Fit Club team direct – 0151 643-5403
Contact details
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0151 643 5403
FIT Club is based at Prenton Clinic, Prenton Villiage Road.
Assessments and follows ups are held at:
- St Catherine’s Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead CH42 0LQ
- Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF
- Schools
Home visits can also be arranged where appropriate.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays:
St Catherine’s Health Centre, Intermediate Suite, wing 5, 2nd floor, Derby Road, Birkenhead CH42 7HA
Victoria Central Health Centre, Physiotherapy Department, first floor, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF
Useful information, websites and videos
- BMI calculator
- Dr William Bird – movement is life
- Change4Life
- Change4life – childhood obesity
- Invigor8
- Kooth
- My Mind
- Physical activity for early years
- Physical activity for children and young people
- Physical literacy
- Start the NHS weight loss plan
Fit Club is part of Wirral’s 0-19 Health and Wellbeing Service.