Cheshire East
Cheshire East Local Offer – an online resource providing information and advice for children and adults on topics such as education, staying healthy, care and support and community activities, along with a directory of services.
Live Well Service – over 3,000 health, well-being and support services in Cheshire East.
Building Attachment and Bonds Service (BABS)
The service is for parents and carers in Knowsley who are pregnant or have a new born baby aged 0-3 months, who are struggling with their emotional wellbeing and/or struggling in their relationship with their baby.
The team provides provide easy to engage, non-judgemental parent-infant therapy and support, for pregnant women, new parents and their partners, who struggle with their emotional wellbeing, other vulnerabilities, and who have concerns about their bonding and relationship with their baby. We are a team of clinical psychologists parent infant therapists and multi-disciplinary professionals and volunteers who are passionate and committed to supporting parents in the Knowsley and Sefton communities.
Referrals can be made by any professional such as a health visitor, midwife, family nurse, GP, social worker, early help worker. Please speak to your health professional for more information.
Feedback from parents
Knowsley Family Information Service:
- Knowsley Early Years Service
- Knowsley Local Offer (SEND) – Education, Health & Care support for children & young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families
- Knowsley Childcare and Education
- Knowsley Early Help – Tailored support for children and families
- Health, Wellbeing and Care – Counselling and domestic abuse services, carers support and NHS services including doctors/dentists and walk in locations
- Play and Leisure
Knowsley – Places to go, things to do
St Helens
- SEND developments
- 0-4 years (Primary)
- 5-11 years (Secondary)
- Parent/carer
- Activities and events
- IASS – Information, Advice and Support Service
Wirral InfoBank – directory of community groups, services, and activities that can support your health and wellbeing.
Wirral Local Offer – Providing information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.